Obviously I was not. I had the brainstorm this evening, when I am overly tired, that I should utilize some of the sites we worked on this week to help research the laptop that I am thinking about purchasing. Why do these thoughts usually come when I am too tired to do much of anything?
Today started at 4:30 a.m. We left the house about 4:50 a.m. to go to Tamuning to participate in the Army 5K, which will benefit the JROTC program at my school. We arrived home about 8:30 a.m. and then I fixed breakfast for 4 hungry teenage boys, my daughter and myself. At about 11:00 I had enough and took a nap. Maria woke me up at Noon because she was hungry. I then spent about 1-1/2 hours working on my Physical Education Mission Statement and Outcomes assignment. It was then time to get ready to go to graduation. Drove to Mangilao for graduation, where it was long and hot. Stopped at KFC on the way home and bought dinner. After dinner I thought I should spend some time working some more on my KIN 730 assignments and before I know it, it is now 10:00 p.m. and I am pooped! I will sign off for tonight. Good night!
Logan Parker's Podcast
10 years ago
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